Did anybody else count how many times those spurs got laid into the horse? How well trained is your animal if you have to keep ramming him in the side with a chunk of metal? 🤔
I hate when barrel racers use their reins as a whip just for them to get the win infact I’ve seen a horse that has been hit by the reins acting as a whip and the scars on it were horrible
Why are people still whipping their horses. Guys stop it. It doesn’t make your horse go faster, horses thinner skin than humans and they have more nerve endings so they can feel 10 times more of the amount of pain humans can feel and stop starfish kicking need to grow up and actually learn how to ride and take some riding lessons
Yall I’m thinking abt getting a horse and I have done my research but the only thing I’m worried abt is the sport I don’t want to hurt the horse In anyway so what’s the safest sport for horses also I’m not going to be racing 7 horses passed away from that this year so pls help me
Very good job no sign of spurs but don’t whip the horse And be a little bit more light on the rains that’s all I said, but very good job impressed better than most barrel racers
I thought at first great then you started spuring and whipping. His ears were laid flat. He was scared and hating it giving his all to please you
Bro that is not even close to gallop
Get it
You horse have no fun
Ya ol grey boy sure can hunt those barrels, he puts his head down and spins around barrel with ease, well trained!! 😊
She’s jabbing the horse with spurs and is whipping 🤬
Digging in. Damn dragon queen can talk to them.. wo00Oo0o~
I’m sorry but if anyone else is a barrel racer in my replies how is her hat still on 😭😭😭
You shouldn’t whip your horse
For what is THAT necessary???
Did anybody else count how many times those spurs got laid into the horse? How well trained is your animal if you have to keep ramming him in the side with a chunk of metal? 🤔
I hate when barrel racers use their reins as a whip just for them to get the win infact I’ve seen a horse that has been hit by the reins acting as a whip and the scars on it were horrible
“I’m thinking of doing barrel racing.”
Horsemanship out the window.
I used to barrel race and I did not whip and spur my horse so please no one whip or spur their horse😢
Why would she whip the horse at the end? They had a good run and she rewarded them by smacking the shit out of them?!
The barrels look like from schleich no hate😅
Yall can shut up
Why are people still whipping their horses. Guys stop it. It doesn’t make your horse go faster, horses thinner skin than humans and they have more nerve endings so they can feel 10 times more of the amount of pain humans can feel and stop starfish kicking need to grow up and actually learn how to ride and take some riding lessons
That horse was like “peace yall it’s my time to ShInE💅✌️” 😂 wonderfully riden by the way
They fluffing hit the horse
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Miguel.
It is not ABUSIVE AT ALL people who r commenting on how abusive it is, it is not. Horses r tough people who commenting u must be english riders
I am a barrel racer and you did so good you go girl ❤
wow I like it so much that I zoomed out on her and that horse
Yall I’m thinking abt getting a horse and I have done my research but the only thing I’m worried abt is the sport I don’t want to hurt the horse In anyway so what’s the safest sport for horses also I’m not going to be racing 7 horses passed away from that this year so pls help me
Love this vid
One fast horse😊
Good luck get ready for lots of bruises I’m a barrel racer
Good love it just love it
I think that is the best timing I have ever seen❤❤❤❤😊😊😊
I like that horse I like how you ride it
It is not necessary to whip the horse
Very good job no sign of spurs but don’t whip the horse And be a little bit more light on the rains that’s all I said, but very good job impressed better than most barrel racers
that would be easy dor for my cousin
Loose reins, soft hands. What a beautiful rider they’re a amazing duo.❤
Real Cowgirl