Insider Details NEW Red Dead Online ROBBERY Update Release Date INTEL (RDR2)

Insider Details NEW Red Dead Online ROBBERY Update Release Date INTEL (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE!


30 thoughts on “Insider Details NEW Red Dead Online ROBBERY Update Release Date INTEL (RDR2)

  1. I haven’t played online in 2 years. Is it worth going back to and playing now ? I got bored with it and ran out of things to do besides play the few missions over and over again. Did they add to the story that begins the online game ?

  2. There are tons of things they can do to make it more fun and they just don’t. This game has so much potential it’s so F ing disappointing. Still waiting on a second character slot.

  3. Wow did they really drop the ball on making DLC content for this game can you say epic fail on Rockstar's part. They were once my Absolutely all time favorite game creators and Developers! But now I see the big picture, and how they became so money hungry. Let me elaborate back when I was a kid growing up I had the privilege to play an absolute epic game that many middle schoolers would have been grounded or even scolded by their parents if caught playing GTA from London but my friend and found this game in my older brother's bedroom unattended so we played this and we're in all on how they were ahead of their times above any other games I've seen my brothers play what ❤️ in appreciation we had for this game. now the rest is history and here I am 35 and still looking for that feeling that Rockstar brought to me back when I was a teenager. Now fast forward to 2012 when I was playing GTA V and noticing all the pre-paid/cough cough pay to win content BS they have us buying this now to have fun with your friends together 🤯 and then they rolled it over to Red Dead Redemption 2 now what nerve and a slap to their fans face to show their appreciation they have for us but sit back and ask yourselves why do I find myself getting angry and frustrated with them when in reality it's us as a community at me to realize were the idiots for continuously giving out our heart and money just to enjoy our friends and family online when you really think about it it's quite sad to see the history of Rockstar and where they're going from here. It's utterly disgusting to say the least🤑 I'll probably be the first to say this and I'm not afraid to admit it Rockstar has played ME & some of uses having us think Rock⭐ is listening to their fans and giving them content that they actually want and enjoy 😂 Do yours believe that there wholeheartedly listening to US their fans🤨🤔 NO, NO There NOT my friends. Well you still sit there and doubt me then you give me no choice but to stay some of the facts I start with this we've all seen comments including myself asking for a numerous amount of things we would look forward to having in RDR2 like Rockstar we would love to see story DLC content to tie some strings together about some characters did we get it NO. THEN THIS WAS ASKED ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS AND ONE OF MY FAVORITES I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING BE RELEASED A ROCKSTAR WHEN CAN WE SEE UNDEAD NIGHTMARE 2 DLC ? PERHAPS THIS OCTOBER FOR A HALLOWEEN THEME… BUT NO THEY FAILED TO DELIVER AND THAT'S WHY THEY'RE NO LONGER MY FAVORITE COMPANY BECAUSE THEY'VE PROVEN THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR FAN BASE THEY JUST LOOK FOR THE MONEY DON'T BELIEVE ME PLAY EITHER GAME I'VE MENTIONED AND YOU'LL SEE FOR YOURSELF… I like to mention what I do like from there to titles The storylines are my favorite. And another all-time favorite of mine is from the first Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare. So with all their success from that add-on why hesitate on making a sequel is it even coming 🥺🤧 well this my friends just good old fun and great to play. I'm sure I speak for the entire Rockstar fan base when I bring these points up… So let me ask you this Rockstar Studios??? I hate to be right but let me guess it won't be released as a DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2 but as a whole game for full price. Am I right 🤔 making your fans pay full price to squeeze more money out of them instead of being loyal to your faithful fans that have been waiting patiently. I know I've been going on a rant but I've been a big fan of their company since Grand Theft Auto London and I played that the first time when I was in Middle School and I played every game they've released since that day but I've started to notice a train with their greed and the quality content is lacking to say the least. Than to turn around and tell the fans here we released DLC for your fans go jump on a horse and help some strangers and here's a few horses to purchase as well as horse racing does that sound amazing or what 🙄 and then some other BS they gave us. I could go on and on with them about this garbage content they released to us like Shark cards from GTA to prove my point but I'm sure everybody knows how crooked Rock⭐ is now. You guys become money hungry scrubs no better than Wall Street over there at the R⭐studio. Well I hope you're happy with ripping off your fans and dropping nothing but mediocre content for RD2s entire fan base👏🖕 👉Rockstar. This company Has Fallen off my #1 game developers all because of the greed they have shown over the past decade.

  4. Free roam needs to be more lively, similar to offline, bring trains to rob, stores to rob, murder mysteries, even the ability for your character to have some dialogue doesn’t have to be much but better saying nothing. Casino boat, casino boat robbery.

  5. Red Dead Online is a pay walll.

    Literally took me a month to save up enough gold dust particles to buy the first two roles. Luckily I got amazon prime trial for the bounty hunter. But I still need to get Moonshine and naturalist. It's beyond a joke. Forcing someone to grind endlessly or pay real money just to have the opportunity to start the actual content.

    Imagine needing to grind for weeks in order to play domination in cod. Because it was pay walled content.

  6. I hope there could be like hidden weapons added like ( i forgot the name of the gun) hidden sleeve pistol that pops out or the cane gun that maggie uses from the moonshiner story

  7. I wish I could gather a few people over 21 to form a class action lawsuit against the poor communication from R*

    They have players investing in them hundreds of dollars for updates that the community wants. I don't know how R* thinks we've wanted what little they have added to the Online. The fact that it has been over TWO (2) YEARS after release and we have not seen any new story missions or DLC is frustrating and it feels we're just getting scammed. Not once but twice and three times with RedDead and all the GTA V releases. We ate getting robbed

  8. I wouldn't hold my breath. Didn't last summer's RDO update come at the VERY end of summer? Like in the final week, if I remember correctly. Also, I can't recall a RDO update ever coming out before a GTAV update when both were expected, so I'd place my bets on the GTAV update coming out first. Which puts an RDO update smack where it was last summer. Just enjoy the summer folks and don't stress about when shit's coming out.

  9. I have been playing this game since Beta and I have never had a gang hideout like the one in the intro. It seems like I need to get into a solo lobby in order for that to spawn. Such a shame this game doesn't work as intended when lobbies are near full.

  10. I'm a new player to rdr online, I love it I've been hunting around San Denis, getting gators and the birds, you can get around 60 dollars every 20 minutes if you're efficient 🙂 I also mix in the bounty missions if I get bored. You can get alot for bringing in the legendarys alive like 60 dollars sometimes Abit more. I'm about level 25 so the pvp is challenging, but I've managed to get a decent build and I compete decently now, I struggle Abit against high levels but it's not to bad. I've put a fair bit of work in to get the cards I have now. So I understand how long they spent so they deserve to be abit stronger 🙂 It's nice to have some progression. But yeah there feels like there's alot of content from just starting I've got plenty to do, I could see how long time players might not have as much to do though. See you all out there 🤠👉 ooo also any tips are very welcome 😁🙏

  11. It doesn't matter when it's going to come out, if the update is fucking trash then it won't even matter at all. The only way this will update will matter is if they actually pull a good update out of their greedy asses and from the looks of it, that's not happening so whatever.

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