Cop Peed Himself After Stopping Russian Man 😂 full vid: midwest safety


9 thoughts on “Cop Peed Himself After Stopping Russian Man 😂 full vid: midwest safety

  1. This is the problem. They are the police regardless of whether you want to accept it or not if they pull you over. Why can you not just do what they ask and then go on your way? Why does it always have to be a confrontation and argument or a why? You know why that you got pulled over. You know, you were speeding, so I don't understand the disrespect of the police. I don't understand the disrespect in this world. It's insane that these men are out here. Putting their lives on the line for us. And we all see that it's okay to be rude to police or people to treat them like this. Absolutely Not. if it was your husband, your son, or your father. You would want them to come home every night.or, better yet, your wife, your daughter, your mother, you would want them to come home safe.Would you want somebody to treat them like highly doubted it.

  2. Dude thinks he can just keep saying "prove it" like that somehow means he doesn't have to comply with the requirements for using a public roadway. We didn't see it play out but he keeps this up he's going to turn an administrative infraction into an arrest and a criminal obstruction charge.

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