So, do you really expect a good christian to go into battle standing as a target, not taking cover, because he is praying? The lack of faith to take cover! That priest showed faith to have the parishioners pray the Hail Mary, in face of danger, instead of running away.
the worst thing he could have done was to panick. the hail mary is one of the strongest prayers, as a carholic and it is often used for protection and calm.
Hail Mary's will help no one.. Catholicism is a false religion and is not true Christianity..NOWHERE in the whole Bible does it ever say it's ok to pray to Mary..We pray to the Father in Jesus name and his name alone..Mary was a regular person like me and you..she would be appalled that your praying to her..If you truly are a reborn Christian and have been saved the Holy Spirit would show you this.. Catholics believe falsehoods..
I JUST UNSUBSCRIBED- I thought you were a Christian and on the side of goodness, but you are HEARTLESS and IGNORANT, as shown in this video of these poor children and people fearing for their lives! You act just like the one's you claim to be so different from!
Officer Tatum, you shouldn't have made the video. Being a Black woman, Officer Tatum, I can certainly relate to the reason why Black people find the most horrifying things funny. Black people have become accustomed to a violent culture. However, this is embarrassing this time. Would you be laughing if this was your church? No house of worship ought to be in jeopardy. You are highlighting a facet of Black culture that requires closer examination. This is an expression of pride and misdirected feelings.
just to update. The suspect had no intention of shooting anyone. The plan was to scare people and stage a kidnapping of the suspects girlfriend who was in the church. they planned to runaway to texas and start a new life together.
Tatum, I think you are a great ambassador for the conservative movement in this great nation, the USA. I have been following you for years now. You and I have a lot in common. I'm a TX guy, played football, an LE officer, and loves Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. However, what I don't understand is, correct me if I'm in error, this is far from a laughing matter due to the numerous active shooters our public has been involved in recently. It's irrelevant what the person told the priest or if the priest was saying Hail Mary's. What we do know is we had a possible active shooter situation that could of been alot worse. Thank God he was stopped. If you don't like the Catholic Church, fair enough. I don't think this gives you a valid reason to laugh at people during a life and death situation. I'm a bit disappointed or for better words, shocked, with your actions. May God Bless you and your family.
Love your shirt there, Officer! It was all the red necks in the church packin' heat that kept him from firing a shot. Dumb idiot didn't know better than to walk into a church in the deep South & think he wasn't going to get guns pointed back at him.
He wasn’t “told” to pray the Hail Mary. The last line in this prayer is “Pray for us sinners NOW and at the hour of our death”. When in danger, you ask the Mother of God to stand by you as she stood by her Son at the hour of His death.
#3. The video was clearly interrupted during the "Hail Mary." I'm sure the Church got one "Hail Mary" through since it only like 13 seconds to say one and Mama Mary always comes through! Our Queen and Mother, pray for us!
#2. The priests were notified during the middle of the Consecration. And it is part of the ritual of Concecration to kneel for a few moments while saying silent prayers ( They were not hiding behind the altar.) Since this is the most sacred time of the Mass, under no circumstances can a priest abandon the Holy Sacrifice. Should he have died at that moment, another priest would have completed the sacrifice. Many priests have given up their lives while protecting the blessed Eucharist. Google: "Eucharist Martyrs" for more information
#1. So the guy who notified the priest in the beginning of the video kneeled before the Tabernacle, before approaching the priest. (Even in this emergency!) This is because, as Catholics, we believe that our Lord is truly present (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) in the Tabernacle since in there, reposes Consecrated Hosts also known as the Blessed Eucharist.
You are so unrespectful with the mother of God and catholics. You are a passive aggresive and bulling individual. Your vile irony is hurtful because you are mocking catholics. I'm done with you and your viewers. If you can't talk with respect about other's people beliefs you are done for me.
what kind of idiot thinks it's a good idea to laugh at and mock the mom of Jesus. Well, "officer", i guess you win TEACHER'S PET AWARD. Jesus must love you all the more for mocking His mom.
You’re one of my favorites but making fun of other Christians especially a priest, and laughing during a holy sacrament for us, is not respectful,especially when there are children involved. It makes me sad. As a Christian Catholic it makes me sad. I would never expect that from you. Catholics are often misunderstood. Yet we are the biggest supporters and donors in the world,and not just for Catholics. Who knows if the priests stopped saying the prayers or if that was the end of the prayer.? Many Christians don’t understand our respect for the blessed mother. Don’t you respect your mother? Jesus loved his mother. One of the last things he said was to take care of his mother. Just as we ask other people to pray for us in this life, there is nothing wrong with asking Jesus’ mother to pray for us. As the mother of God, I wish people respected her more. She carried our Lord and took abuse through her whole life and yet followed him everywhere and was with him at the foot of the cross until his last breath! The “Hail Mary” is a powerful prayer and it’s asking her to pray for us. We also ask her to protect us any mother would. Nobody gets upset when mothers try to protect their children. When Catholics pray to the blessed mother, we ask for her to intercede on our behalf to our lord. We don’t worship her, we ask her to pray for us. And if anybody read the words to the Hail Mary, they would see that. It says “Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women”(not greater than God it says she was blessed among women because she was chosen to be the mother of our Lord, so yes, she’s blessed,)And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, holy Mary mother of God PRAY for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. “(We don’t worship her,we don’t idolize her. We never hold her above God, we just ask for her to pray for us and intercede on our behalf.) And Thank God for law enforcement! Interesting how they were there so quickly !! maybe those prayers were answered! With our law enforcement being there!!! However, I don’t think it’s well done to criticize the priests they are human also. Anyone would be nervous if a gunman enters a place where they are. They are not trained law-enforcement. They probably were in shock and not sure what was going on either. The priests didn’t runoff and leave everybody. Who knows what they were told ? maybe that gentleman told them to kneel down. I think that’s a human reaction if somebody has a gun. Recently,my son and I were at mass and a man stood up and started screaming at the priest, and a group of older men, not too many young ones,gathered around him and very strongly, but respectfully walked him out of the church! I’m proud of that! who knows if the person in there had a gun? Just like we’re all trying to be canceled. They’re trying to cancel priests,and Catholics,all Christians.we Christians need to stick together not criticize each other. I’m a strong supporter of you and your channel, law enforcement, etc. I have to admit a bit disappointed.
I've followed you for years Officer Tatum and this is the first time I've ever disagreed with or been in conflict with you. Why are you laughing? What is so funny about a priest saying the Hail Mary in a time of fear and confusion? Please explain in a follow-up video! Its very disrespectful and hurtful to us devout Catholics that have been so loyal to you…
The reason why the priests are looking at the host like that is because we believe it’s actually Jesus
Nothing to laugh at Brandon come on
Idk what is so confusing and funny about this. I can understand exactly what is going on.
What's so funny????
There is an active war on Christianity. People hating on this religion day and night.
I’m a devout Catholic and I got harassed and bullied by professors and students at my college for being Catholic.
Maybe he was one of the thousands of sexual abuse victims of the church
How many of those priests belong in police custody?
Catholic church is very strict. Multiple people are always watching. It could have been that.
So, do you really expect a good christian to go into battle standing as a target, not taking cover, because he is praying? The lack of faith to take cover! That priest showed faith to have the parishioners pray the Hail Mary, in face of danger, instead of running away.
The archdiocese of Atlanta does not allow concealed carry in the churches. So we should all relax.😂
I dont care if it was a white kid or black kid, but this selective race admission in headlines is getting real annoying.
Talk about REALLY lucking out in that situation.
Tatum.. you're about to get black listed.. you fckd up on this one..
I find nothing humorous about this. I’m a subscriber to your channel. You are better than this.
the worst thing he could have done was to panick. the hail mary is one of the strongest prayers, as a carholic and it is often used for protection and calm.
Man the power of prayer is no joke, may any nay sayer watch this video if you think otherwise
Hail Mary's will help no one.. Catholicism is a false religion and is not true Christianity..NOWHERE in the whole Bible does it ever say it's ok to pray to Mary..We pray to the Father in Jesus name and his name alone..Mary was a regular person like me and you..she would be appalled that your praying to her..If you truly are a reborn Christian and have been saved the Holy Spirit would show you this.. Catholics believe falsehoods..
I JUST UNSUBSCRIBED- I thought you were a Christian and on the side of goodness, but you are HEARTLESS and IGNORANT, as shown in this video of these poor children and people fearing for their lives! You act just like the one's you claim to be so different from!
Officer Tatum, you shouldn't have made the video. Being a Black woman, Officer Tatum, I can certainly relate to the reason why Black people find the most horrifying things funny. Black people have become accustomed to a violent culture. However, this is embarrassing this time. Would you be laughing if this was your church? No house of worship ought to be in jeopardy. You are highlighting a facet of Black culture that requires closer examination. This is an expression of pride and misdirected feelings.
just to update. The suspect had no intention of shooting anyone. The plan was to scare people and stage a kidnapping of the suspects girlfriend who was in the church. they planned to runaway to texas and start a new life together.
Tatum, I think you are a great ambassador for the conservative movement in this great nation, the USA. I have been following you for years now. You and I have a lot in common. I'm a TX guy, played football, an LE officer, and loves Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. However, what I don't understand is, correct me if I'm in error, this is far from a laughing matter due to the numerous active shooters our public has been involved in recently. It's irrelevant what the person told the priest or if the priest was saying Hail Mary's. What we do know is we had a possible active shooter situation that could of been alot worse. Thank God he was stopped. If you don't like the Catholic Church, fair enough. I don't think this gives you a valid reason to laugh at people during a life and death situation. I'm a bit disappointed or for better words, shocked, with your actions. May God Bless you and your family.
What is funny about this Tatum?
Any update?
In case you don't know Tatum, the "thing" is The Holy Altar.
And this situation is NOT funny Tatum.
Maybe gunman was an alter boy at this church as a child, was molested by priest/pastor, and wanted to kill him before those kids were also abused.
Love your shirt there, Officer!
It was all the red necks in the church packin' heat that kept him from firing a shot. Dumb idiot didn't know better than to walk into a church in the deep South & think he wasn't going to get guns pointed back at him.
Don't love your take here. Except the last statement. This event will be a lifetime scar on those poor kids life. So glad it didn't end up worse. 🙏
He wasn’t “told” to pray the Hail Mary. The last line in this prayer is “Pray for us sinners NOW and at the hour of our death”. When in danger, you ask the Mother of God to stand by you as she stood by her Son at the hour of His death.
#3. The video was clearly interrupted during the "Hail Mary." I'm sure the Church got one "Hail Mary" through since it only like 13 seconds to say one and Mama Mary always comes through! Our Queen and Mother, pray for us!
¡Viva Cristo Rey y la Santísima Virgen María De Guadalupe!
#2. The priests were notified during the middle of the Consecration. And it is part of the ritual of Concecration to kneel for a few moments while saying silent prayers ( They were not hiding behind the altar.) Since this is the most sacred time of the Mass, under no circumstances can a priest abandon the Holy Sacrifice. Should he have died at that moment, another priest would have completed the sacrifice. Many priests have given up their lives while protecting the blessed Eucharist. Google: "Eucharist Martyrs" for more information
#1. So the guy who notified the priest in the beginning of the video kneeled before the Tabernacle, before approaching the priest. (Even in this emergency!) This is because, as Catholics, we believe that our Lord is truly present (Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity) in the Tabernacle since in there, reposes Consecrated Hosts also known as the Blessed Eucharist.
You are so unrespectful with the mother of God and catholics. You are a passive aggresive and bulling individual. Your vile irony is hurtful because you are mocking catholics. I'm done with you and your viewers. If you can't talk with respect about other's people beliefs you are done for me.
A bit odd since he never fired a shot.
What are the laws.
Unless he was brandishing then he may not even have broken a law.
It wasn't the Hail Mary's , she has no power .
what kind of idiot thinks it's a good idea to laugh at and mock the mom of Jesus. Well, "officer", i guess you win TEACHER'S PET AWARD. Jesus must love you all the more for mocking His mom.
All that for nothing but getting arrested.
Good thing I’m not catholic.
You’re one of my favorites but making fun of other Christians especially a priest, and laughing during a holy sacrament for us, is not respectful,especially when there are children involved. It makes me sad. As a Christian Catholic it makes me sad. I would never expect that from you. Catholics are often misunderstood. Yet we are the biggest supporters and donors in the world,and not just for Catholics. Who knows if the priests stopped saying the prayers or if that was the end of the prayer.? Many Christians don’t understand our respect for the blessed mother. Don’t you respect your mother? Jesus loved his mother. One of the last things he said was to take care of his mother. Just as we ask other people to pray for us in this life, there is nothing wrong with asking Jesus’ mother to pray for us. As the mother of God, I wish people respected her more. She carried our Lord and took abuse through her whole life and yet followed him everywhere and was with him at the foot of the cross until his last breath! The “Hail Mary” is a powerful prayer and it’s asking her to pray for us. We also ask her to protect us any mother would. Nobody gets upset when mothers try to protect their children. When Catholics pray to the blessed mother, we ask for her to intercede on our behalf to our lord. We don’t worship her, we ask her to pray for us. And if anybody read the words to the Hail Mary, they would see that. It says “Hail Mary full of Grace the Lord is with you blessed are you among women”(not greater than God it says she was blessed among women because she was chosen to be the mother of our Lord, so yes, she’s blessed,)And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, holy Mary mother of God PRAY for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. “(We don’t worship her,we don’t idolize her. We never hold her above God, we just ask for her to pray for us and intercede on our behalf.) And Thank God for law enforcement! Interesting how they were there so quickly !! maybe those prayers were answered! With our law enforcement being there!!! However, I don’t think it’s well done to criticize the priests they are human also. Anyone would be nervous if a gunman enters a place where they are. They are not trained law-enforcement. They probably were in shock and not sure what was going on either. The priests didn’t runoff and leave everybody. Who knows what they were told ? maybe that gentleman told them to kneel down. I think that’s a human reaction if somebody has a gun. Recently,my son and I were at mass and a man stood up and started screaming at the priest, and a group of older men, not too many young ones,gathered around him and very strongly, but respectfully walked him out of the church! I’m proud of that! who knows if the person in there had a gun? Just like we’re all trying to be canceled. They’re trying to cancel priests,and Catholics,all Christians.we Christians need to stick together not criticize each other. I’m a strong supporter of you and your channel, law enforcement, etc. I have to admit a bit disappointed.
I've followed you for years Officer Tatum and this is the first time I've ever disagreed with or been in conflict with you. Why are you laughing? What is so funny about a priest saying the Hail Mary in a time of fear and confusion? Please explain in a follow-up video! Its very disrespectful and hurtful to us devout Catholics that have been so loyal to you…
you would be praying too lol