Florida Looters Shut Down I-75

0:00- The Incident
15:05- But How Did We Find this Video??

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The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

Midwest Safety works to promote transparency in government while providing educational, informative and local news coverage to empower the public with knowledge of the Criminal Justice System.


36 thoughts on “Florida Looters Shut Down I-75

  1. Technology is sure making criminals look even dumber. Can't outrun a radio or a whole bunch of cctv cameras. Not to mention everyone has a cell phone and Ring cameras at the house.

  2. Cop 3 should not be an officer. He really thought that couple was apart of the problem from the get go.
    I understand that he took further patience and let them go, but constantly stating, “Did you let them in your car!?”. He wasn’t trying to help or even figure anything out in that moment That is a, yes, or no, question.
    If that gentleman’s significant other was NOT there, officer 3 would not have allowed for the male to give an explanation.

  3. So we saw this random guy on the highway that looked skechy as F and let him in our car to give him some money, and yes officer, please search our car even though you didn't ask, by the way we also put our SSN and credit card numbers on a billboard because nothing bad can ever happen.

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