Egyptologist Answers Ancient Egypt Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Professor of Egyptology and Archaeology Laurel Bestock answers your questions about ancient Egypt from Twitter. What did …


27 thoughts on “Egyptologist Answers Ancient Egypt Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

  1. i am shocked nobody talked about what she said about men taking care of things around the house while the women were on their periods, that's quite fascinating to me

  2. This was a great video. The only thing I would add to when she mentions the tools is that they would use sand which had quartz in it and the quartz was harder than the stone that was being cut. So you're taking the bronze tool and you're cutting into the stone with the sand that has quartz in it and the quartz is helping to make the cut easier. A lot of people get hung up on the type of tools they had back then saying that's not strong enough. Well technically true it would still cut the stones but the courts was stronger than the stones and really helped and this possibility that they also put water in there to make it even more abrasive.

  3. i think it's so funny that you got multiple "did you know" questions in this, as if these people aren't asking an extremely well educated individual. this is the only episode i've seen where anyone asked a "did you know" question 🤣

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