Senator Cruz Calls Out CNN Hypocrisy Over Democrats Claiming Fraudulent Elections

Senator Cruz joins “The Source with Kaitlan Collins” on 5.22.24.


47 thoughts on “Senator Cruz Calls Out CNN Hypocrisy Over Democrats Claiming Fraudulent Elections

  1. Kaitlynn Is just like the Democrats. They are tremendously biased and they are not open to the facts, other then the facts of how they see them. She reminds me of AOC. She only sees her distorted and untrue point of view. People like this should not have a job like this. There is a reason nobody watches CNN

  2. Requirement to work for DNCnn: Have TDS, Study propaganda instead of objective journalism, Be all mouth and have no ears., Take your marching orders from DNC, Ignore anything untoward Demorats do, blatantly display double standards, and Express motto of "GOP can do no right. DNC can do no wrong"!

  3. CNN as a whole are absolutely pathetic. But you can tell they are Briben supporters…lies trying to back up feeble points. I wouldn't trust this woman to cook me a McDonalds meal. She's disgusting

  4. I hope she reads these comments but even if she does she'll laugh because they all at CNN and msnbc think its funny that we Republicans do believe there was fraud and if they would tell the truth and not lie they would admit there was voter fraud. BUT they won't

  5. This stupid woman is seeking damages on behalf of a person who is not after reparations. Actually he is friends with Trump. This idiocy of the media so annoying. What tactics did Hillary use against Bernie Sanders

  6. Haha this is like what's ht face the VP said "I was a little girl on that bus that bussed me to over the other side of town…" …..then she said….."It was a debate…"…blah blah blah

  7. You have the best debater in congress and definitely one of the smartest..and you can’t ask him about one thing of importance to America.. you are pathetic and don’t see why they give you the time of day.. most men who are men don’t let dirt or lies change their path.. politics are dirty.. Ted knows this and he knows Trump is the man right now.. yet the host makes a fool of herself every time I hear her interview a conservative.. it shows how one sided CNN is.. Trump 2024🇺🇸.. Live it … Love it….

  8. “Backbone and Guts”

    Ted, how weak are you?

    Trump has presented himself as a liar and a bully. The defeated past President has made himself and the GOP look foolish with his lies and actions.

    Sorry that you have to struggle with your support of a man that made you look weak towards your family.

  9. This is called journalism? Collins was debating Cruz based on her subjective points of view. It's obvious CNN is no longer a neutral and unbiased news platform.

  10. Evidence has finally come out NOW that significant swing state voter fraud and cheating did change the results unfairly – too late thanks to corrupt cowardly courts,attaorney General and media. My History judge you !

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