SOLUM Full Movie | Sci- Fi Movies | The Midnight Screening

A reality show on an inhabited island where eight contestants must fight for their survival becomes more than it appears to be.


30 thoughts on “SOLUM Full Movie | Sci- Fi Movies | The Midnight Screening

  1. Way better than I thought. Although light spoiler ahead

    The Earth will be fine regardless of what we do to it. As the climate changes – all of life adapts or it doesn't, whatever does, moves on. Between forest fires, volcanoes, and solar cycles, you can't spend time worrying about atmospheric percentages of natural elements nor temperature changes.
    Powerful PEOPLE use fear so others will alter their lives and impose austerity and scarcity to supposedly 'save' those resources. The powerful continue to fly, yacht, live on 'endangered' beachfront property… A 'personal carbon score' along with weakening financial systems and collapsing currencies (to usher in 'virtual' FEARS) only furthers the surveillance state – which is fabulous FOR THEM.
    Worrying about systems as complex as the weather and sun cycles is a narrative to grab control, don't let them take it from you. What happens to the carbon in the air? It gets used by algae and the forests and grasses, etc. It is the element of life. The surface of the Earth recycles ALL things. Dust to dust.

  2. Wow now I get it.. we're all wiped by Global warming…hmmm 🤔 So you can sleep a little easier at nights Global Warming, as they call it, isn't a myth or Hoax but We call It Universal Warming…if it was just Global warming it wouldn't be just taking fossil fuel vehicles off the road which by comparison is only a drop in the bucket to millions of weekly commercial airline flights ✈️ But instead we must understand what's warming up the entire solar system and universe…sweet dreams and God Bless

  3. Ok so humans are destroying the world 🌎. And some aliens travel a thousand light years to save the planet. Playing games. I guess. Worth the frustrations to watch.ok acting.

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