LOW WAGES: 4 Reasons WAGES Haven’t Gone Up Since 1973

Why are wages so low? What is the cause for low wages in America? In this video, I go through the complicated topic of wages.


36 thoughts on “LOW WAGES: 4 Reasons WAGES Haven’t Gone Up Since 1973

  1. Employers who pay only minimum wage pay is a cheapskate employer and should never be surprised to any turn overs they get. No one is going to work for wages that won't get you anywhere. Low wage pay shows the employer doesnt value the people who work.

  2. Employers expect people to live like crap and work as slaves for slavery pay just so their companies can only grow while the rest of us suffer and live like crap. So employers don't deserve to have people to work harder than what their wage is worth. If you can only pay slave wages then you shouldn't expect me to care to go above and beyond just for your company to grow why my life never improves.

  3. I doubt that I would ever find a job that pays well enough (being an employee). Around here you have to be self employed or have your own business. Or work for the government which I couldn't do because they re too inefficient which would cause me to quit quickly. The alternative is really to think how to need much less money in general so that you dont need to struggle with finding work in the first place.

  4. I'm an apartment maintenance technician and just fyi, most apartment complexes require minimum 2-3 times the rent just to qualify. A one bedroom apartment for $1500. month requires 3-4 thousand a month gross wages. That's $22-$25 per hr.

  5. It is wild to me that a universal basic income of $1000 a month is MORE than I’m making right now, and more than I will be making when I start my 3rd job. Of course, all of them are part time, and I’m at least scraping by. But still.

  6. Why doesn't our government simply eliminate payroll taxes on anyone making less than $20/hour? This solution would be something both right wingers (in favor of lower taxes) and left wingers (in favor of the little guy) could both get behind.

  7. You forgot a very important thing that happened in the 1970s. Nixon finished what FDR started to remove the US dollar from the gold standard. To understand the impact, calculate the mass value of silver dollars from the minimum wage.

  8. Inflation policy. 1971 the dollar was taken off the gold standard, the top 1% only owned 10% of the total income then, now it's around 35%. The financial sector has bloated due to the low interest rates and inflation while savings have skydived. The low intrests rates lead to huge debt crises like the dot com crash and the great recession, which ultimately bankrupt the consumers and allow the financial investment sectors to gobble up the assets within the econamy. We need high interest rates and no QE for a long period of time to reverse these trends but mainly no bailouts. Let the banks crumble for there incompetence.

  9. it all started with human Greed and can only solved with overcoming human greed, you taught them that being rich is the best thing, and here is the result. Good luck with policy change coz now they have the money and power to not let that happen, so just stop making babies and after 1-2 generations, they wont have enough humans to exploit 😛

  10. You do everything in your power to not critique capitalism is itself. This is just policy and greedy CEOs. Capitalism is hostile to human life. Efficiency at all costs. Not even the limp protections by liberalism can stop it. Returning to 1970's is not the answer.

  11. You have TWO choices: buy off grid fertile land and hand build FREE water source, FREE tiny home, FREE food ( gardening )  OR continue being a slave for another pure evil demon human being by working.  You will NOT starve if you pick option number one ;:"' Working = Fascism = Elite Agenda Of Misery ⛺⛺⛺

    1. UBI of $5,000/Month ( tax free up to $60,000/Year ) for every American to eliminate labor exploitation,  workplace usury, manipulation, extortion, abuse, and workplace health hazards.
    2. Livable wages of $30/Hour and up to all Americans ( regardless of education ) that MUST stay 3% higher than rising inflation permanently into the future until inflation elite machanism becomes extinct.
    3. FLAT tax of 3% to all working individuals regardless how much money is made per year. More money made = more revenue into public fund to maintain a healthy and happy society lifted up equitably at same time!
    4. Eliminate taxes in future once robotics can multiply goods ( basic needs ) continuously! Goal is to free up time and get rid of human suffrage! NOT profit or power 🏜🏜🏜

  13. Make the trades great again. Pay skilled labor what they're worth. Bring manufacturing jobs back to America. Pay people a decent wage for doing manufacturing jobs and treat them with respect. Open the north American pipelines and stay drilling American oil. Cancel trade with China. Do NOT raise minimum wage because minimum wage is for a minimum skill level. If you want a higher wage get educated or start learning a trade or maybe even both. UBI won't be sustainable. No socialist country have ever been sustainable. Enforce monopoly laws and start forcing big tech. To be non biased and transparent. Don't get me started on the corrupt Federal Reserve. This is not rocket science. I am a everyday common man and I can see clear solutions to these problems. Bad education, laziness, greed and selfishness are the main issues here. Society and humanity have lost there way.

  14. FYI Americans in America are DYING. We want to work however we want to live as well. America is a fraud and American company CEOs are stealing from the American worker.🤮

  15. Maybe our economy should function how it is/better than it is after basic needs are met…maybe survival of our species isnt determined by hyper capitalism and a gross work culture.

  16. Yes, humans are selfdestroying creatures! No-logic at all. Ofcourse, I will earn more, if I can sell more. So If more people will have access to the financial amount, they will purchase more. But probably with less desire?! So, politicians are very emotional machos))))

  17. Im no Economics major but the "trickle down" doesn't work …. Executives, Csuites and management in general, have "clogged" the pipes …. gotta see what happens when automation finishes eating the jobs ….. perhaps i should search for a good footpath spot in advance ..

  18. With the amount of money 4 of the top billionaires have, which I believe is around $1.4 trillion plus with government assistance with UBI, EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD COULD EASILY BE COMPENSATED $1,000 A MONTH! 350,000,000 X 1,000 = 350,000,000,000

  19. We need a fix,ideas at least. What are the Republicans proposing ? – neal a. Fighting for higher wages,and a open southern border….how does that work. ?? What does this video suggest ? Anything would have been food for thought

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