Origin and Genetics of the Vietnamese, Cambodians and Other Austroasiatics

What are the origins and genetic makeup of the Vietnamese, Cambodians and other Austroasiatic people? Vietnam and …


48 thoughts on “Origin and Genetics of the Vietnamese, Cambodians and Other Austroasiatics

  1. We are from ancient south China, , and still using Chinese surnames, why are we classified in this language group ? we don't have the same DNA like them.

    we are not from cambodia or india, bro,
    don't you read vietnamese history? 😫😫
    and Vietnamese is very different from these languages.😵😵

  2. I am Balinese and we are basically Austroasiatic people who speak Austronesian but influence by Sanskrit like Cambodia while Vietnamese influence by Chinese, interestingly still has similar words
    come: mai
    come: makoi
    morning: tengai
    morning: tenghay
    here: dini
    here: thi'ni
    this: neh
    this: nih
    that: to
    that: noh
    pig: celeng
    pig: chrouk
    dog: cicing
    dog: chkee

  3. we need to stop believeing in the white mans lies.. austronesians don't exists.. the great maui actually had trades with asians.. and enslaved.. many africans to oceania.. and through his lineage he would of had many asian wifes.. thou he was originally a berber by birth

  4. Origin and genetics of the Vietnamese (Kinh) are very close to Tai peoples, with a big Han Chinese influence. I think Vietnamese language is mixed, Chinese loanwords occupies 70% of Vietnamese words (max), and Vietnamese differs from Austroasiatic languages ​​in that it is tonal and polysyllabic. And even if Vietnamese language is Austroasiatic, Kinh people and Cambodians are still very different as we all know and they don't have the same origin, Vietnamese language is Vietic while Cambodian one isn't.

  5. I think Austroasiatics are what they are, a mixture of multiple distinct genetic groups who had intermingled due to geographical proximity of habitation and developed into new genetically distinct group.

    Whuch is why there are so many differejt types of such people within a relatively smaller geographical spread.

  6. In fact it is the Kampa who are seeking the reestablishment of the lost Kingdom of Kampa that mainly used the word Austronesian. But today they even included North Annam that annexed them in history.
    Kampa cousin of Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge are in fact related to Negritoes, a short, brown skinned wiry hair people. They are the one who wanted to annex Cambodia, Laos and some even claimed Thailand. The real Dominoes Threat Theory by CIA framed on China.

  7. Austronesians do NOT exists?
    It was a theory without proof by one single anthropologist seeking instant fame.
    His theory was shot down by the rest of his colleagues. They all disagreed.
    So where are the remaining relatives of Austronesian in Africa?
    No DNA similarities?
    Eaten by lions? Why no traces?
    Like all things, Austronesian is just a political term used by the White to divide Asia and its unique cultures.

  8. Only When the Vietnamese government planning and TRICKED French officials by using their women to get Khmer Kampuchea krom Then the Viet Crossbreed Khmer people. Same thing they are doing in this 2018-2024 and So on.

  9. I love that you have genetics within your presentation. I just did my ancestry genetics and it span throughout the ancient Khmer Empire. It was nice to hear you confirm that the Mon Khmer are closely related to the present day Cambodians which we knew from there name.
    Thank you for all your hard work and research. I’m a new subscriber.

  10. Ice age break down the Khmer the land we from the Naga the part south of China was belong to the Khmer you still see the was they dress and our new year the same as the Khmer we call the south Vietnam still can speak the Khmer the French give Saigon to Vietnam around the 50 so we call Khmer Krom.

  11. Why forgotten Indonesian in this term's? SouthAsian people related and still in a great families. Cambodian, Philippines and Indonesian is a good reunification in family's, but Malaysian and Singapore closed because the both country betrayed their origins

  12. NEVERTHELESS, East asian looking people in South East Asia are the Vietnamese due to the integration of Chinese colonization, Vietnam actuality from the East of Asia ,which is south China for 1000 years SINOSPHERE is still in the culture. and the people definitely..

  13. Your first map is bs!!! There’s no Altaic family and it’s been debunked! There is a mongolic family and japonic families though. AND TURKS ARE NOT TURKIC! Stop

  14. He's using that eurocentric nonsense about Asians,,,,,,,,,, all of it is eurocentric theories that mainly aren't based on reality,,,,,,,,,, I would rather hear the Asian narrative from an Asian,,,,,,,,, his can not be the last word on Asian c ulture ,,when he is wrong about a lot of what he is saying. I commend his effort nonetheless.. but austroasiatic is an overused phrase,,,,, sometimes it is used for the original inhabitants of Taiwan,.

  15. You never know: the Khmer and the northern Kinh (Vietnamese) people have some ancient rituals very same same together, from pork sticky rice (nom ansom and bánh chưng bánh tét), from family-centric oritented, to same festival such as Phchum Ben (or Sen Donta) x Lễ Vu Lan: is a festival to show respect and offering to the ancestors… to have many common words.
    My English is limited so I cannot transfer all for you. Greetings from Native Khmer in Prey Nokor HCM city – Mekong delta, Vietnam.

  16. Greeks were in Vietnam. The bronze drums of the Red River Valley are clearly Greek. Also, the Danaan (Acheans, tribe of Dan) leave their name Dan, Den, Don, Den, Din with the G on the end meaning man. Dang = Dan man. The names are all along the the Red River deep into China all the way to Bactria.

  17. Very interesting ! I would have thought that the ancestors to many of these indigenous
    peoples separated from each other many tens of thousands of years ago rather than
    6 thousands. I don't know if mere 6 thousand years are enough to make all these
    distinctive divide (or differences) in appearance.

  18. The Khmer Empire does not exist, only Khom culture There are many kingdoms that are Hindu, with the rulers as relatives such as: Lavo Kingdom Siem Kingdom (Ayodhya) Sivijaya Kingdom Dvaravati Kingdom Take a look inside the walls of Angkor Wat, there will be different processions in the celebration of different kingdoms by marching the power of each kingdom, with each ruler being all relatives, there is no one bigger than who, only Angkor Wat is a rebuilt and the heir to build a new city, so it is important.

  19. Apakah Asia Tenggara memiliki DNA yang mencakup Africanistic menurut versi saya dan Austronesia yang sudah umum kita ketahui. Tetapi satu pertanyaan apakah ada pengaruh DNA lainnya selain DNA utama itu misalnya dengan DNA south Indian Amerika?

  20. to state that the Kinh mixed with the Han is a bold claim. Even in colonization time there were little number of chinese immgrants into Vietnam. Mostly were just officals came for administration. The reason why Vietnamese look more East Asian because they original homeland was from the south of modern day China.

  21. ALL based on monkey business pseudoscience, the same people who invented the monkeys evolution crap nonsense anti scientific methodology is behind of the genetics out of Africa mumbo jumbo, science,nature etc etc are just lobbying money playgrounds of the masonic lobbying aka OUR GLOBAL pseudoscience

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