Strength ≠ Muscles #shorts


41 thoughts on “Strength ≠ Muscles #shorts

  1. As a girl this is exactly what I want! For some reason I've never really liked the look of muscle. It just looks so weird to me. No offense to the body builders just my own opinion. But I've always wanted speed and strength so I'm hoping to get those with as minimal muscle SHOWING as possible.

  2. Big muscle does mean big strength, just because it looks like it can lift 150kg but it cant doesnt mean jts not strong, if it can lift 100kg then that is strong too yet Ive never seen a 50kg guy bench 315 or squat 405. So yes big muscle=strength

  3. For example rock climbers.Most of them are small but holy hell they are strong.Magnus is tiny compared to larry and jujimufu but he can take on the same weights they do.Same with eddie hall recently.His strength surprised a strongman

  4. My dad was always a piece of muscle I was also a VERY oversized baby and have always done martial arts and swimming on the side and I’ve always been buff but I don’t think I’d be able to lift those heavy ass weights I see people lifting. I just started going to the gym about a week ago and it’s just so much heavier than those big guys make it look.

  5. Intensity and Volume play a huge role in hypertrophy and strength. To begin with, in order to be strong (lifting more weight) in a specific exercise,the deadlift for instance, practicing the lift with a weight that allows you to perform 5 reps ,is going to result in you being stronger. For a novice , even if you deadlift 3× a week (very low volume) and you increase gradually the intensity (you add some weight every time you deadlift) you will be stronger and eventually you will hit a plateau. After that you will have to increase the sets you do and slightly back off the weight you lift. In the meantime,you will add some muscle,if you are a novice just by doing 3× a week deadlift sessions. But when you increase the volume (the number of sets you do) not only you are getting more practice in the actual lift ,but you also lift more total weight overall in a week in this specific exercise. What happens when you up the volume and you eat plenty of food and sleeping like a baby? You grow. Not like a bodybuilder,but you will notice growth. So volume plays a huge role not only in hypertrophy but also in strength. Dont get be wrong,you will still need to perform 3-5 reps on the deadlift as its more strength focused ,but when you add more sets and slightly decrease the intensity,you will further grow and get out of your plateau. The most important thing to strength is that you gradually expose your system to do more work in 3-5 rep ratio. You will get better handling more weight. The intensity still remains high but not to the maximum.

  6. Bigger muscles equal more strength potential, one of the reasons you can some cool calisthenics tricks is because you are 145 lbs with a little bit of strength,that is not strong.

  7. you got this wrong u do not get muscles from volume, no matter how many times i curl a pencil i will never get muscles, You need a balance on the two. You are not that strong you just perfected body movements

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