Red Light Therapy: Eye Health Miracle?

Dr. Allen reviews the latest research on red light therapy for eye health (myopia, dry eyes, macular degeneration, and diabetes).


50 thoughts on “Red Light Therapy: Eye Health Miracle?

  1. So many of us are truly scared to death due to our eye problems
    So why are those who can help dragging their feet about supplying info that can help us??? Cant you hear our Pleas fot HELP???

  2. I have a question, Dr. Allen earlier in the year I was looking at research for red light therapy. I did read a few publications and according to those papers they were able to reduce inflammation for people with myopia. I have nearsightedness. With this video, and with what I've read is that red light therapy could be a tool for medical professionals could prescribe to patients, with correct instruction and guidance if approved. Based on your finding and understanding of red light therapy, do you think with the correct exposure, and right wave length and time duration of using a tool like red light therapy in conjuction with good eye nutrition and lifestyle (taking breaks and going outside with outdoor light.) do you think it could prevent further myopia growth and perhaps maybe improve eyesight? Thank you for your time Dr. Allen.

  3. Would there be concerns when using a red light panel on the face? If you close the eyes & are wearing goggles, should that be enough to protect the eyes? I can still sense the light through the lids and goggles… and briefly after a 5 minute session my vision is different, colors appear different (e.g. greens appear orange). Could it be negatively affecting my eyes?

  4. My daughter has cone-rod dystrophy. This looks like something that may help her. Can you please share your insights? If it is safe, I would love to start her on red light therapy. Thank you!

  5. Interesting. I underwent two years and three days a week of full body blue light radiation therapies after an electrical burn on my leg would not heal. I'm using the image of the machine in the comments for now until I change it. Goggles where required the entire time but after two years the doctor said I could no longer do it. I wont get into all of that here. I was not considering social media at the time so I never made content about it. But I do have a photo of me nearly turning golden orange by the end of it lol. And then it got worse again and I nearly died without immune treatments. It's hard to be a content creator when you are living a life you didn't plan for. It's really hard to find a niche' anyone might relate to. I ended up with spine inflammation which has me in bed scrolling and commenting instead of making videos. Oh I used to be awesome and likeable and competitive and now I'm this guy haha… Alright I wont rant here. Comment for the algorithm I guess.

  6. Fascinating! I'm Type 1 Diabetic (only since age 26) & have had nearsightedness since I was pretty young. I've been lucky no retinopathy & my vision has pretty much stayed the same for the last several years. I wonder if putting my social media & search engine in dark mode has been helpful. I know it at least gives less eye strain when using electronics. But I have been curious as a Diabetic what the indications & contraindications for Red Light are, so this makes me more intrigued. My gym has a stand up room set-up similar to a stand up tanning booth from what I've been told. I've heard good things about it for skin health & muscle soreness. I'm assuming my CGM sensor probably shouldn't be in Red Light, but honestly haven't looked into it yet with other life stuff on my brain. 😅

  7. Is infra red or near infra red light better for eyes… also with eyes open or closed with or without glasses??

    What about collagen building…infra red or near infra red would be best?

    Thank you for your informative advice❤

  8. Yes – please do an update on red light therapy. Of course I am interested in treatments for visual snow but I realize no one has tested red light therapy for this.

  9. The FDA approving anything is never a point of reference for me because FDA stands for for devils advocate. These people literally are pharmaceutical lawyers that wind up working at the FDA and pushing things through. There’s so many lies and trash. These are the same people who say that cherries and other food sources are not to be associated with any health claims, but yet they will clear sucralose, which is Splenda, which is a neurotoxin and vegetable oil, which has nothing to do with vegetables, but it’s an actualchemical that causes heart attacks and strokes so once again the FDA can kiss my grits

  10. I've been doing red light therapy for stopped up oil glands, it melts the oil, and the Dr pushes the oil out. My vision was a lot better. I didn't know it was for macular degeneration too.

  11. Can you do a video on the red light therapy machine?That's planet fitness. Is this machine good for us to use?Or entire body , and is it good for the eyes in this particular machine. Also, if this is something we need to be doing for our eye health.Do we need to wear sunglasses in this machine?Or do we open our eyes and look at the red light as we're in this machine. II hope you can do a video on this machine.As I know.I'm not the only one that needs information on it. I currently do not get in this machine because of lack of knowledge.If it's good or bad for me , please help

  12. I used to have a baby quasar home device to treat the skin which was set on red and infrared. Even with the safety glasses, light would come through and I used to get my eyes quite red (the white area of the globe). I got scared and stopped using it but listening to this I now wonder… thanks for your video, your research and your caution still

  13. 6:27 I make my iphone screen red for most nighttime uses. Would“tuning” the phone screens red be equivalent to purchasing a red light since we already have devices that we overuse anyway?

  14. Two months ago I was told I had early stage drusen in one eye. I instantly switched to a 100% noninflammatory diet, began taking the recommended nutrients and a light dose of the AREDS 2 vitamins, a number of other recommended supplements, ate a fairly small spinach salad every day, and began using red light in conjunction with methylene blue. Six weeks later I went back for another exam and the doctor said all the drusen had disappeared and both retinas were normal again. So in some cases it's possible to reverse drusen. In my opinion the diet, nutrients and supplements, and the red light are what did the trick more than anything else. I'm 66 years old.

  15. When you mention the "power" of various red LED lights, what determines the amount of "power"? I thought that all near red LED lights, diodes, etc were between 850nm vs. 660nm. How can some be more powerful?

  16. As humans have become even stronger cave dwellers they have lost more eye sight, and are now just discovering that light is actually good for them. They are still too scared of the bright lights outside, so they opt for bulbs instead.

  17. Limitless resources in the greediest industry and the answers are always "We just don't have enough research," like they're laughing in everyone's faces. Never enough for them. And what they do "know", can change at any minute! Joke's on you, fools!

  18. all these dumbasses do not know that sunlight is the best and healthiest source of redlight. and if you start with morning sun, and work up to solar noon you don't get burned. don't wear sunglasses or contacts otherwise it blocks some of the infrared and UV which we need as humans.

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