The NEW Red Dead Online Update TODAY! (RDR2)

The NEW Red Dead Online Update TODAY! (RDR2) SUBSCRIBE and DROP A LIKE! Tuesday September 12 2022 and this week …


20 thoughts on “The NEW Red Dead Online Update TODAY! (RDR2)

  1. Hey man your videos are great thanks for keeping us updated. Just wanted to mention that the horse barn glitch is fixed but now the horses are glitched 🤣 can't switch change horses and if you take a carcus off the horse you cant put it back on the horse I've being using the mustang steady cause I can't switch them. Also, the daily role challenges naturalist samples don't register but that's been going on since the update 😣 I'm sure there working on it but just in case there not I had to say👍💯

  2. there will never be an update or new content for this game, stopped playing rdo a year ago, its silly at this point to keep supporting rockstars part upon it, sad and unfortunate that the development has stopped to continue the brand-new entry on the amazing GTA series, sorry/not sorry but anything with red dead that R* finally releases won't even surprise me no more.

  3. I am a new player and play the last 2 monts. Dit the 3 land of opportunity missions and got a good repeater gun. I am level 12 and have round 100 dollar and 5 gold bars. I have no role yet.
    Is there a way to speed up the gold income?

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