7 TRUE Unsettling Horror Stories That Happened In The MIDWEST
Midwest Stories!
Send your TRUE Scary Stories HERE! ► https://southerncannibal.com/
OR Email at southerncannibalstories@gmail.com
► https://open.spotify.com/show/3zfschBzphkHhhpV870gFW?si=j53deGSXRxyyo9rsxqbFgw
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► https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Southern_Cannibal
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► Scary Story Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL18YGadwJHERUzNMxTSoIYRIoUWfcGO2I
► DISCLAIMER: All Stories and Music featured in today’s video were granted FULL permission for use on the Southern Cannibal YouTube Channel!
► Thumbnail Artist: Myself
Huge Thanks to these brave folks who sent in their stories!
#1. – L
#2. – Anonymous
#3. – u/Bringerofthenachos
#4. – madsxoxo
#5. – Anonymous
#6. – u/afraidathome
#7. – LL
Huge Thanks to these talented folks for their creepy music!
► Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/c/myuuji ♪
► CO.AG Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA ♪
► Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com ♪
► Piano Horror: https://www.youtube.com/PianoHorror ♪
Have a Scary Story? SEND IT HERE: https://southerncannibal.com/
Story 1 ► 0:00
Story 2 ► 8:33
Story 3 ► 18:29
Story 4 ► 28:02
Story 5 ► 30:46 – Warning for Animal Abuse!
Story 6 ►39:09
Story 7 ► 43:38
The only thing scarier than these tales is when you realize your neighbor is a little too quiet… and then you hear their door creak open at 3 AM.
Does anyone else miss the "hey everyone"
Great stories here! That's Great in story number 2 that the young man protected the young lady from the two giant men after her. Females still need males to protect them sometimes. Because the police cannot always be there!
Great stories! When you guys listen to these videos do you actually watch the video or do you just have it playing in the background or listen to it while you drive? Just curious as there’s no images or video footage?
The Spider County fair! 😂 I love it
Always stay hungry 😋
Cod zombies theme @32:00
Southern Cannibal, Love your channel. Love these types of stories! I love & Respect that you're not afraid to go the extra mile and do more graphic stories than the rest. YOU should have more subscribers!
Happy New Year!
First video of 2025..! 👏🏽
Glad your showing the Midwest some love. I have one creepy story but it’s not worth putting on YouTube.
Keep up the great work most of the other YouTubers who do stories I fall asleep quickly yours keep me up I keep saying one more but keep listening they’re great videos !
Matt's fear of ketchup will never not be funny to me. Poor guy 😂
That last story…. Sounds like the crazied man the story writer mentioned sounds like he has Turret's
happy new year SC! thank you for this upload!❤
what a great story
It's 12.17 am where I am and I'm chilling in bed listening 😅
Southern Cannibal, Love your channel. Great stories here! Love that you do various headline topics to make it fresh and interesting! Story number 6 was scary with the persons mother being tormented by an unknown fella with cowboy hat and freckles leaving her disturbing notes. Hope they can catch that person. Needs to be off the streets. You should go to the police and talk to a police sketch artist so he can draw a picture of this creep. So, they can pass it around to other police, so they know who to look for when he shows up again. Goes without saying but the Police should take fingerprints of the notes. Good luck! Thanks for the upload. ❤❤
I wonder if the girl who gave out split pea soup dropped something into the bowls earlier so it would make everyone sick and she knew the cigarette guy.
Great video. Have a great week Southern Cannibal!
For the algorithm powers to be🫀🤍🩷🩶
He'll Yesssssssssssssss,I Am Listening Right Now😻❤
Thank you very much, SC! ❤
Great Stories SC, no pressure on uploading videos your OG'S are here, stay safe have a good afternoon.
Thanks for the vid SC. The cigarette smoking man following the op in my opinion was the creepiest story in this bunch.
I live in rural Wisconsin. No neighbors except up the road. Awesome trails behind me that lead to sand dunes and lake Michigan. City life isnt for me. Thank you for your time. Happy new year everyone.
This is perfect timing. Got something to help me through the work day now!
I love your stories ❤️
Yippee 😁👏🏾
Dang, everyone and their mom uploading rn
My Sunday has been renewed ❤thanks SC happy Sunday to you and everyone ❤