7 Herbs Proven to Supercharge Testosterone Levels

Total testosterone levels in all age groups have been declining consistently over time. Simply put, the testosterone levels of men …


22 thoughts on “7 Herbs Proven to Supercharge Testosterone Levels

  1. What are the side effects of taking shilajit?

    Lots of men have complained about fatigue, dizziness, weakness and irregular heartbeat. It increases the uric acid in the body if consumed in very large

  2. A book that changed my life in ways that I never could imagine is "Secret Testosterone Nexus of Evolution".Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book. Trust me after I implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode

  3. For men in their 30s like myself, I think standardized hot-water Tongkat Ali root extract is a godsend. On 400mg a day and I feel stronger, sharper, and faster. Have a friend who was miserable after messing around with TRT a couple of years back and he’s tried this on my recommendation and has never been happier. Three months in and all his post TRT symptoms are all but gone. For ashwagandha, I’d say it’s good for short term use re stress, but not ideal for long-term consumption due to the fact that it can negatively affect the liver and cause anhedonia in some people.

  4. Hey bros , don't fall into that marketing trap ! You don't need to buy all these fancy supplements. You need to just :

    1. Reduce screen time
    2. Sprint
    3. Olympic lifts
    4. Sleep well
    5. Spending more time in sunlight

  5. I just stopped taking tongkat ali because i developed urinary issues
    It sucks because of all the duds Ive taken, that stuff seemed to work. About a month into taking it i added ashwagangda and noticed if not taken later in the day w food i got nauseous and did throw up a couple of times
    Id say my dose might've been too high but i only took one of the nootropics capsules a day and a few weeks into it started one ashwagangda gummy.
    For what it's worth, after i stopped i read some people cycle TK like 2 weeks on 1 off or every other day
    It might be worth taking Id just be careful

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