6 Most DISGRACEFUL Moments In Women’s Snooker!

Most DISGRACEFUL Moments In Women’s Snooker! SUBSCRIBE …


39 thoughts on “6 Most DISGRACEFUL Moments In Women’s Snooker!

  1. why the thumbnail that is not part of the video – if its to get it noticed it worked but i unsubscribed from your channel and will never watch it again – yes i am shallow but do not like being decieved

  2. it's not a disgrace to do a fluke. there's at least one in every match, men and women. Also when the ref picked up the cue ball it was in a man's snooker game NOT a woman's game. The only DISGRACEFUL MOMENT IN THESE CLIPS IS THE IDIOT THAT POSTED THEM.

  3. In most cases, nothing disgraceful, and sometimes not even women's snooker. Two men playing snooker against each other is now deemed as women's snooker?! The worst clickbait I have ever counted.

  4. Title is a click bait. The only "disgraceful" moment was the first item. FORGET ABOUT A SUBSCRIBE. I have at times looked at other "world of cues" items (note the small letters – no caps) but never again.

  5. Women have to muscle in and ruin all our sports just ATICK TO FOOTBALL AND WRESTLING and be grateful for what you have LEAVE OUR OTHER DAM SPORTS ALONE YOU'RE NOT WELCOME

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