6 Month Transformation, How Steffin Lost 100+ lbs and Got His Confidence Back At 62 | Ultimate Human

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42 thoughts on “6 Month Transformation, How Steffin Lost 100+ lbs and Got His Confidence Back At 62 | Ultimate Human

  1. I think you are phenomenal for losing the weight I’ll send this to someone I know who needs inspiration. Just one thing don’t interrupt so much in conversation – listen more. You interrupted Gary so many times and he was so gracious about it.

  2. Rebirth.. 64+, also on this journey. Inspiring story and that's what I want to give to my daughter s. Inspiration to always take care of yourself and that it's not too late.

  3. I'm about to pull the trigger on your genetic kit. I see there's a place for a discount code. Are there any discounts off of the $599 available?

  4. Couldn’t help but notice how they flew right over one of the most noteworthy comments he said. In the first video he was proud of how he was strictly keto, as he should be because it’s hard. Now in this video, he mentioned how he has a carb day. This is important to talk about and nothing was said and quite frankly it’s everything. Not the fact he added carbs, just that compliance is hard. The most relevant comment I believe ever spoken in regards to this type of story is “ losing weight is easy, keeping it off is the hard part.” Protocols should always take a back seat to this part of it.They didn’t because there is no money making opportunities in compliance, and that is what would truly help people.

  5. Hello Gary, unlike Steffin I have been working on myself for the last several years now.. I started studying holistic health almost 4 years now, for I'm studying to become a holistic health practitioner; anyhow I have cut out all of the processed foods including soda-pop from my diet.. Unfortunately I have also been in the midst of menopause, and I'm still having trouble taking off the weight, and hoping you can suggest some more natural ways I can continue getting the weight off?? Please and thank you..

  6. How do I a 74 year old vet on a fixed retired income afford your protocol, instruction supplements. I would need to save up months to afford the cost for blood test, evaluate results and provide counseling for supplements to gain results?

  7. Great story but why is this guy so annoying? Constantly cuts off Gary. He’s the kind of guy that won’t shut up in a conversation and won’t let anyone talk 😂

  8. As a potential customer who recently tuned into the podcast featuring Steffin and Dan, I feel compelled to share some cautionary advice with others who may be considering their DNA testing services. Before proceeding with the $600 investment, I strongly recommend reviewing the company’s Google reviews. There appears to be a notable increase in negative feedback, which may stem from an influx of inquiries leading to delayed results. This situation has left me in a dilemma about moving forward with the test, as the reviews have raised concerns about the reliability and efficiency of the service. I hope the company, particularly Gary, takes note of these issues. Focusing on delivering exceptional service at one clinic, rather than expanding rapidly at the risk of quality, could be a more sustainable approach for maintaining and enhancing the company’s reputation.

  9. I followed Gary for the last 4 years and I applied his advices in my day to day life. I do his morning routine ( I must admit that sometime I skip the cold showers , sorry Gary) , I use the keto diet, I bought a hydrogen water bottle ( one that I can afford) I bought the Magic spoon cereals and so on…. My life and my health improved so much! I hope that one day I will be able to take his tests and who knows, maybe talk with him! The point that I wanted to make is that you don't need lots of money to improve your wellbeing, just a bit of determination and consistency. The informations that he provides are so valuable and are free for everybody to apply in their life.
    Thank you Gary and Sage! Much love ❤️

  10. Wonder if his Supplements are on back order for this guy? like it is for us non Elite's. My reorder was on 8 Jan 2024 10xHealth Charged my CC cool right?….Wrong 9 days later I get a Email stating my order is on Back order….WTH 9 days later!!! 10x Health + Ultimate Human= A Joke?

  11. Hey Gary can you bring in one of these super obese women who all they do is blame their thyroids and fix them up and put the video out there so that the others can see it and get their shit together and stop pulling this super unhealthy body positivity bullshit instead of properly going on the offensive and finding a solution to real actual health.

  12. Gary loving your podcast and on my own journey now 2 weeks in following principles. I have a shoe string budget and these pods do come across a little elitist in terms of spending power. Your doing your best to tell people it's free but from a supplement point of view can you tell us what the basics are that we need even. This guy has about 20 supplements every day. Maybe even the top 3 we should be having on a keto and weight training programme. Love your content & motivation to help us all so please keep it up!

  13. Steffin is my friend. I genuinely love him and am so proud of him. You inspired him and for that I am thankful. Steffin’s mind is his biggest asset!! He tries sometimes to seem so tough. Truth is, he has a soft heart. ♥️

  14. I was going to try to get my dna test but seeing the comments has me skeptical that it would help me as a not rich "non celebrity". As a mthfr carrier I cant get help getting hrt to help with my perimenopause, Its Frustrating

  15. It’s about optimal health for your chrono age for yourself today vs yesterday vs the future… this is an amazing health coach if we can follow his tips…. Only you can make it happen for yourself…

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