5 Simple Strategies To Lose Weight Fast for Moms and Busy Women

Try these 5 simple strategies to lose weight fast for moms and busy women! Get our Fit Mother 30-Day Fat Loss Program here …


22 thoughts on “5 Simple Strategies To Lose Weight Fast for Moms and Busy Women

  1. This video is very very very helpful ❤
    Is valuable video and I belive that works, now it's up to these moms including me. I hope I can come back to this video soon, this summer and say I saw this video 2-3 months ago and I lost 18 pounds. Today is 1 April 2022, I am 153lb. And my goal is in July 4th be at 135lb. If not 18lb, better than today. Faith, organization and action.

  2. Hi I like this video. As u said that qe need to have a good sleep, but I am working early morning. I have to wake up at 2.30 every day to get to work. I have only 5 hours sleep. Is there any other way to improve my wait loose.

  3. Me sitting here watching this, getting on average 3 hours of broken sleep a night thanks to being a single Mum and my 3yo and 1yo tag teaming being awake 😭

  4. #1 okay, #2 toghie, but I got that, I try #3 I was always good at that, but it's hard lately #4 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm out. I have baby twins who wake every 2-3 hours or need to be rocked / held the whole night and are totally not in sync. When I get 2 hours of sleep in one stretch I feel REALLY refreshed and lucky. But there were nights when I got 1 hour (I'm not kidding) of sleep in total. Not in one stretch. This will be achievable when they sleep through the night.
    But otherwise very good tips! Thanks

  5. Well, my, albeit crazy, ex said one thing with considering: “it took you 9 months to put on the weight, give yourself nine more to take it off.” It worked four times for me. Stressing doesn’t help anything.

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