5 Reasons Your Butt Is NOT Growing (and how to fix it)

You’ve been squatting low, loading up the bar on hip thrusts, and walking around the gym like a penguin with bands around your …


27 thoughts on “5 Reasons Your Butt Is NOT Growing (and how to fix it)

  1. Squats just blow put my back. I've tried everything. Over here doing 8 plates on the smith machine for hip thrusts and can't even do 2 sets of 155lb squats without tweaking something. It sucks because squats are my favorite move.

  2. Remember also folk's that watching all these informative Great channels etc don't fix everything and I mean Depression.Its horrible and knowing from experience it's hard to get your Ass out of bed 🤯.But positive thing is going even if you don't feel like doing so.i know I'm off subject but remember *A healthy Body lead's to A Healthy Mind * But seeking help is first positive thing.💪💪🏼💪🏾💪🏿💯🙏🏼🏋🏼‍♂️🏋🏾‍♀️🏋🏼

  3. Another way to grow your butt: just sit on it and consume in a calorie surplus – you will get lots of stretching , TUT and recovery all of the same time. Jokes aside, I don't quite understand the need for growing glutes (at least not for males). My priorities are rather shoulders, back and legs. The glutes will develop sufficiently from the squats and the deadlifts. Do I really need to hit them specifically?

  4. Muscle Monsters, thanks for the fitness info! If it is possible, please do a video on high volume vs. high intensity training. Would love to know yiour insight. I've done both over the years but tend to prefer HIIT recently due to a busier lifestyle.

  5. Thanks, Bud. I wasn’t too sure how to get my glutes bigger after doing all the exercises. I am tall, so it makes sense to move my body out more or align differently than the standard square. I have been doing it wrong, especially when looking at your first example of positions.

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