5 Overrated Exercises That Actually Suck for Muscle Growth (men over 40)

It’s important to understand that not all exercises are created equal. And while some exercises are great, they may not be great for …


45 thoughts on “5 Overrated Exercises That Actually Suck for Muscle Growth (men over 40)

  1. Soo much to say.

    But, try warming up your muscles before you start!

    Deadlifts…. They are like the only exercise worth coming to the gym to use resistance if there's only one choice. Everything else can be done with bodyweight.

    And sounds like the reason those other exercises were being singled out was weak core muscles.

    Train your core! Why you think we get injured?

    And finally. An exercise is only as great as the person using it.

    If you don't use it right you get crappy results. Don't blame it on the exercise.

    The exercises he said nit to do, i would do. They involve the core

    Just dont put your hands on your head when doing sit ups. You'll be fine. Just relax

  2. For bent over BB rows the target is the stabilizer muscles (esp. the Transverse Abdominis) ie the muscle that acts as your built-in lifting belt. Gotta strengthen it to protect your lower back.

    There should be NO hip hinging. It's an isometric exercise on your stabilizers, for protecting your lumbar spine not for upper back hypertrophy.

  3. The barbell bent over row is only deadly because most people don't do it properly. You should never use momentum to achieve your row(s) like demonstrated in the clip. Using your natural hip joint with bent knees you should be concentrated on the mind-muscle connection with your arms. For all the boys obsessed with getting bigger biceps (big guns). The bent over row works better than curls. Plus it works the back as well.

  4. I did all these to develop my initial strength and size and would recommend anybody starting in their youth to do the same.

    And yet, at 50 I agree with you on all of them. They fatigue and risk of injury are not worth the return.

    You are not ever going to be a pro anything if you haven’t by 50 so, the health risks and recovery are not worth it.

    Going to cry in my pillow now.

  5. Looks like I'm the guy at 2:02 🙂 with less white hair.
    Sit ups were written off in the 90s when I was young, there is nothing new here. Haven't done any since decades. Barbell Bench press and rowing are still my fav exercises. I don't have access to cable machines, just keep doing them the old ways.

  6. The bent over row is an injury factory.
    A body builder in the 80s discovered an exercise I so greatfully discovered. He would lie on his stomach with his head over the edge of the bench looking at the floor and with the bar under the bench pull it up from the floor to the bottom of the bench. A fully bent over row with his entire body supported. especially his lower back and front hernia region. I do it with dumbbells now.
    He said one day for the the first time ever his lats went into a cramp he knew he found something.

  7. Nah. Deadlifts are great, they've been a mainstay for me for 25 years. Maybe if some fool is doing 99 other stupid exercises in one of those high volume routines 4-5 or more times a week, they'll fail to recover, but I'm not doing that. Anyone who does heavier deadlifts knows it utilises traps. I've even used it as a safer alternative to squatting when I have no access to a squat rack. King of exercises. Also doing bent-over rows is better with dumbbells and one-arm at a time where you can brace yourself against a bench and protect your back. Who does barbell rows with that much body sway? 😅 Barbell bench press probably has less range of motion for those with a barrel chest, but in general the range is perfectly good. Problems are when people do it too close to the neck, which is a shoulder-wrecker. The stability of the barbell over dumbbells for this exercise with heavy loads is a plus. Dumbbell BP is good though. All of the criticisms in this video are really about poor exercise form where people use lots of momentum because the weight they are using is too heavy for them. This can't be made into a critique of the exercises themselves!

  8. I'm 64, yet, I never do standing military press because your legs are vital to maintain balance. The legs help the pelvis support the spine. If you sit, your pelvis no longer get support from your legs. Thoughts?

  9. Depends on goals, I posted a video on best bang for buck load and exercises.
    8 moves to max muscle gainz.
    Axle clean and press
    Leg press
    Lat pullover
    Barbell row
    Incline dumbbells
    Tricep cable extension

  10. Ummmm I'm going to disagree with your entire video. All of these exercises of proven to build muscle at any age. All you're doing is confusing people and pushing about information

  11. The most important to train as you age, assuming your goal is to be able to do things, avoid injury and be healthy, is stability, mobility, speed and endurance.
    Big muscles have some advantage, but nothing an active life style doesn't also get you.

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