5 Band Exercises That Build Muscle

Can you build muscle with resistance bands? In today’s video, I show you 5 moves that can and how to get the most out of them.


34 thoughts on “5 Band Exercises That Build Muscle

  1. Well well well well you can't believe this man and what because he juices he's a liar about what he has done to get his he's not as natural as he claims to be you can't believe what he says you need to look into this man if you want to take any tips from him because he is a false man telling stories about how he got his body

  2. I workout everyday guys here’s a little sneak peek

    Monday-body weight workouts



    Thursday-gymnastic rings

    The extra days you can work on skill training for instance I am trying to learn the muscle up I save that extra days for those types then I will rotate the exercise weekly. Great video tho Paul very informative

  3. I know this is not the place to ask this question- BUT I really need your advice if you would. I sent the same message to your website and hit the contact button- but please read on if you would be so kind.Recently I have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel syndrome- moderate in my Left hand and Mild in my Right hand. for 8 weeks I really lost a ton of sleep because every night I would be woken up at 2 AM with my 3 fingers numb and buzzing. My hand doctor(orthopedist) gave me a Medrol dose pack and it worked fantastically BUT when the meds wore off the symptoms came back. I went for a nerve conduction test and it definitely is carpal tunnel and they recommend surgery for my left hand at least. I have been down the road of operations and I truly want to avoid that again. I will explain later if you would please continue to read on.I asked the doctor for a cortisone shot and he gave it to me about 2 weeks ago and now I am fine. No symptoms and I feel OK-. But I know it is just a bandaid but i want to hold off on any surgery until I retire in about 3 years at the age of 70. I am also going to PT for therapy on my hand and I do tons of exercises at home myself(I am very determined and diligent) I do all the stretches and massages and stress ball squeezes. I am determined to keep the palm muscles of my hand as strong as possible so as not to lose any muscle in my palms at all. I do it all believe me. Now since this happened I have kept away from lifting because I do not want to aggravate the wrist. So I started to treadmill a lot more( my BP is now 116/60-really) and I use something called the BODYBLADE also now. I also started to do a lot more pushups- BUT on my knuckles so as not to bend the wrist and irritate that area. I used to do 2-3 hours of lifting on my day off now I only do about 30 minutes- and lighter weight because I am trying not to keep that area under any kind of tension for long periods of time. I stopped doing farmer's walks because of this condition as well. It really has hindered my workouts but I guess from all the years I put in my body is reacting badly in my older years and telling me something? I am now doing a lot of bodyweight exercises like squats wall sits jumping jacks and fake jump rope since I cannot do real jump rope in my basement and if I could I cannot truly jump rope without stepping on the ripe often. I also want to know if and exercises are are OK either the ones with the handles or the full loop bands- please advise. So my question to you since you are an expert is- have you or do you know anyone in your circle who had had or has carpal tunnel syndrome and if so what are they doing about it. What exercises CAN I do safely and if you can recommend some I would truly appreciate it. I do wear braces at night and as mentioned I am doing everything to keep the symptoms at bay. I am scared to see what happens when the cortisone shot wears off. With all of my exercises, I hope it helps then. But if you could help with any advice it would truly be appreciated. Thanks again and I will still watch your videos. it makes my blood boil 🙂

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