3 TRUE Disturbing Carnival Horror Stories

These are three allegedly true experiences from viewers that happened while at a carnival, either as an employee or as a guest.

TRUE Disturbing Carnival Horror Stories

36 thoughts on “3 TRUE Disturbing Carnival Horror Stories

  1. I'm still stuck on the first story about the guy looking for that hot girl. For some reason it stays on my mind and I want to know the rest of it and of what happened to that girl and all those other people that went missing. I really want to know what would've happened if the guy followed the girl and if she would've led him to something weird. Does anyone else know anything about this or at least feel the same way?

  2. I don’t know if ghosts actually exist or not. I’m not sure what it is. But there is something. Whether it’s some sort of innate ability, another dimension, our disembodied energy 🤷‍♀️. But I have seen things I can’t explain. I’ve even had others experience it with me

  3. It’s crazy how Mr. nightmare was a key part of my childhood. I remember my brother would put it on and it would scare the shit out of me when I was like very young now, I’m 20 almost 21 and I listen to them to help me sleep

  4. Story 2 is definitely ai generated, from the weird description of the abnormal (ghosts, magic) to the weird use of words as adjectives, this is damn near a carbon copy and paste from ai. Just missing that "Once Upon a Time" usually slapped at the beginning of ai stories.

  5. Mr. Nightmare, I like your channel and I am a new subscriber here! I liked all these creepy carnival stories. The creepy part of the first carnival story is the young carnival worker himself. Kind of Stalking the lovely young lady customer at the carnival and creeping around the carnival grounds when he should have been working! The second story would make a good Twilight Zone-like 2-hour movie! Thanks for the upload.

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