3 Moves for a Bigger Defined Chest #shorts #fitness #workout #chest


34 thoughts on “3 Moves for a Bigger Defined Chest #shorts #fitness #workout #chest

  1. It’s all in focusing on the muscles you’re utilizing to motion, if you can put your mind where you want your strength to come from, you can create that contraction sooner & start to work them muscles, ever since I started following Mr. Sklar, I have seen extreme results, I’m not even kidding. Dude has the physical of a spartan and that’s what I aim for. Whatever you do, put the pride lifting aside and focus on proper lifting & motion & see 💪🏽

  2. Sir, after this workout my chesticles have left the chat and applied for disability. Since I can do them all these exercises separately I thought, "this will be no problem," but that giant set obliterated me like Ive never even lifted before. Soon as I can move my arms normally again its on!

  3. Это все равно, что чесать левой рукой правое ухо. Главное, что неудобно, а результат, тот же! У нас в зале таких "новаторов" называют любитель УШИБИТЬ мозг соседа, а проще понторез….

  4. Great exercises. But never do db’s on a flat bench. ALWAYS on a 15 deg angle to hit upper chest with every rep. Flat presses isolate too much on mid and lower portion of the chest because there’s simply more muscle fiber down that far. Than the upper.

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