3 main causes of tinnitus. Did this and everything passed!
Hello, I’m Doctor Alekseev – a neurologist, kinesiologist, and chiropractor. In this video, I want to tell you about the 3 most common …
Hello, I’m Doctor Alekseev – a neurologist, kinesiologist, and chiropractor. In this video, I want to tell you about the 3 most common …
Stop complaining and crying.. The solution is in our hands.. If those of us who suffer from tinnitus, made a donation, just ONE time, of 5-10-20 dollars/euro etc., to the appropriate NON-PROFIT organizations, which have some of the best neuroscientists at their disposal, the permanent cure would have already been found! Yes.. I know that it seems like a scam to you, but all you know how to do is complain without doing anything useful towards solving the problem! FINDING THE CURE IS PURELY A MATTER OF FUNDING!!! Governments do not fund enough money for ear issues.. Look for the organizations I am referring to.. One is in America and the other is in Europe.. Information in a private message! Take action or wait another 15-20 years for the definitive solution! It's in our hands…
I found this interesting and will do the ears and some trapezius exercises. Thank you
Thank you Dr. Alekseev. I noticed decreased sound in my L ear when I put traction on my external ear and pulled it down and when I placed my pinky finger in my R ear and pulled up and down on it.
So is there a solution?
Where is this doctor ? Were is he from?
Help Doctor ! 10 years with tinnitus. Left ear. I do hear different/louder when I move my head. I’m doing excercises and nothing. And my right ear is ringing now 😢
Can’t believe anything you guys say. Cut to the chase
Talks a lot without actually saying anything. Same in all his videos.
Very informative.
What if it’s your styloid compressing your Jugular causing pulsatile tinnitus?
I be getting humming sounds in my left ear mostly at night happens
Need more info on this. How to treat each of the 3 causes.
si joint
Does anyone know where the doctor is located?
keep telling us more
Tinnitus is deep rooted in the 🧠 brain ,very difficult to understand the waves in the brain ,so the experts say
More info
So how?😅
When you just recently started suffering from this and you want him to get to the point.
Nabńy thank Doktor Alekseev, Will try and report. Paul,69
the tinnitus i am experencing is too loud.
The belly button does not move.
Does anyone suffer from pulsative tinnitus ? Any tips to manage it ?
???? Frequencies. Frequencies. 🤯please tell us what we should do
Thank you for covering this perspective of tinnitus. I have found it very helpful!
I don’t think there will ever be a cure for it ,I have tried every thing on UTube & nothing works , I’m sorry to say , this will not work either , people have been saying for ever about cures .
Nice explanation and very informative
This is like watching a badly dubbed 70s martial arts film.
Frequency is not measured in Decibels but in Hertz…
Very nice information in this video. Thank you.
You explain everythings but nothing. Come direct to the point and explain the cure. You are waisting our time.
Maybe work on the translation a little?
I am 57 now, I started tinnitus on June1, 2022, I have consulted all types of specialist doctors nothing happened, finally I visited our local Chinese doctor on May2023, I based in Taiwan, he started acupuncture, all over heads, face, few hand points, I got tinnitus on left ear only, and I did accupunture follow up for a year, and completely vanished from Feb 2024….my conclusion as real experience is…tinnitusis related nerve pain, might be includedtrigeminalnerve areas too of my left ear. Focus on nerve locations and accupunture, which has lot of painful procedures,. But it works eventually. I m the best example of success story
15 year tinnitus problem no rilif alopheth teblet
Where are you located? Need to visit your clinic. I have ringing in my ear,with tm,cervical, and thoracic issues. I need your expertise to live life again with a good night sleep.
My ear ringing gets worser when I lie in bed for more than half an hour on my pillow. It also get worse when I roatate my neck to look at the very left side. Yesterday day I tried to work out some muscle stretching exercise for my neck and the tintus became lauder. This problem is very noisy, and I am really tired of it. I also have headaches on the right side and over my eye.
No exercises, this is not helping at all.
Just find out it was my jaw causing the tinnitus.
Please help me with this
Take gabba in morning and at night takes a couple months to help works great
It has been found that 70% of persons with good hearing placed in a sound proof room develop short term tinnitus such that missed frequencies are not the major problem as some ENT doctors claim or the brain compensating for it. I have intermittent tinnitus and some loss of hearing in one ear and they are not related. Rather Brazilian researchers found that we detect the direction of sound from integrating the signal from the ear with those of the neck and shoulder muscles. Any tension in these muscles or the fascia linking them to the brain will cause a disortion in the integrated signal at the somatic nucleus that we interpret as tinnitus.
Qui peut m'expliquer en français svp😊
Sound out of sinc😢
My vertigo and tinnitus went away completely after using the herbal ear treatment from dr Liam ogbebor herbal centre on YouTube ,his treatment is very helpful
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No help for me sorry
All good