2024 Prophetic Word: 100% Accuracy Guaranteed

God spoke to me and gave me a prophetic word for this new year of 2024. Unlike all the other modern prophets, this word is …


21 thoughts on “2024 Prophetic Word: 100% Accuracy Guaranteed

  1. I LOVE it, thank you Justin Peters. This was a fresh drink of water I needed to start my day. If the Lord wills, may we continue being about our Father's business.

    Awaiting his return,
    Wrestleguy PSH

  2. Justin Peters is a heretic cessationism is heresy a doctrine of demons repent and be filled with The holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues find a Pentecostal Bible believing church turn away from Justin Peters and his heresy ask the sweet holy Ghost from heaven to fill you from the top of your head to the souls of your feet right now hallelujah thank you Jesus for the gift of the holy Ghost a second azusa street revival is coming and will destroy cessationism and unbelief hallelujah thank you Jesus for the holy Ghost

  3. Well said:
    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself (2 Cor 5:17-19).

  4. I don't listen t🎉o people who slag off the Catholic church which is s pity becsuse you may hope they may something enlightened to say but when they go for cheap shots against the pope or practices of the true church they loose the attention of would be listeners

  5. I love the way Justin Peters prophecies. I believe that everything that he says is true. I believe that he says what the Bible Says. He tells us like it is. Justin Peters doesn't make predictions, – telling us who will win the 2024 US Presidential Election or what will happen to any of the candidates, or even who the candidates for the president will be.

  6. God's children will Prophecy. God will show unto the truth to the children he hath chosen before the foundation of the world, that prophecy will be a hundred percent correct not 99% correct but every prophecy they speak will come true Every one 100% correct . Jer 14:14 14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. Mat 7:22-23 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. For example if one would prophecy 10 events and 9 come true and one didn't. If it was God speaking to the person that is prophecy it would come true 100%. Conclusion Who is speaking to these that Prophecy lies in his name. only one The lier and the father of it (DEVIL)

  7. Sorry to bring this up, but modern archeology also has some important information… However, this information conflicts with some of the narratives created in Babylon…
    In a nutshell: Yehova/Yahweh had an early life before becoming the one and only Hebrew main god. He started as a local idol, a god of storm and weather, in the Edomite mountains. As he had been a furious slayer in that time, local people tended to pray rather to his wife Ashera aka Astarte to beg her to calm him down, give protection, avert damage and make him and all things less dangerous. Later on, he had to win a competition against the complete group of Canaanite Baal- and EL-gods, the Elohim. Jewish priest then eliminated Yahweh's wife Ashera, melted the Elohim into Yahweh and transformed him into the symbolic head of their new national project.

    Sounds weird? Not so much, if you look at the the most important artefacts and the vast amount of archeological findings in Israel. Confusing situation… Especially the existance of Ashera, wife of Yahweh, unfortunately sort of murdered by zealous ancient Hebrew priests, raises some questions about the true nature and identity of monotheism.
    Oriental monotheism in fact is not what it seemed to be and how it had been presented since ancient times.
    Jesus Christ for this reason pointed out that the true God is the good father in heaven.

  8. No prophet says "I think" in reference to a prophecy, because a prophecy is not delivered to a prophet while they are reading and then they return to reading. A prophecy is given when a prophet is calledninto the wilderness where they will be visited by watchers and the creators ambassadors. They will come in the flesh,, they will say few words but you will hear with your ear and not by realization. When a prophecy is delivered to a prophet it is revealed to them by the ambassadors. Because it is heard with the ear, the body in the physical flesh it is imprinted, the prophet had no doubt, they do mot say "i think" in any refferencw to the prophecy for they know and are certain beyond mere faith. The prophet then spends days and weeks in the wilderness as the transmission unfolds, the few words spoken by the ambassadors come with infinite wisdom.

  9. I see so many people here on you tube claiming to have prophetic messages from God, I find that rather disturbing that these people have so many followers. Mr Peters gets it right, stick to scripture for direction.

  10. Ppl I am telling you this man is a liar and false teacher! (ht eLord said they were coming!!! Matt.24) Since when did the Heavenly Father take back the authority given to Christ over the body of Christ and affairs of men? (Matt.11:27-30.) So for anyone to say "God" this and that is a liar! They cannot prove they know the Heavenly Father by Hiom or the Word. Especailly this clown. If I ever heard a false teacher he is one of them. Like most he wants you to take for granted that what he is saying is true but it is not. (he has a doctrine of devils) He is just reading scriptures and talking crap! He said that there is no new revelation from God which is only true of those who don't know Him. Peters cannot prove he knows God. And frankly God hartes him. Ps.5:5.

  11. The fact of the matter is, this is a legit way that God speaks to us, through his word… choreographing the revelation of his word through our minds and affirming the word in our hearts, because the Bible reminds us that understanding is in the heart.👍✝️

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