15 Weird Things That Only Exist In North Korea
The Western world has very limited exposure to Asia and the lifestyle that exists there. We have no idea what is going on in North …
The Western world has very limited exposure to Asia and the lifestyle that exists there. We have no idea what is going on in North …
I would never step my foot there even if its a free visa
As an immigrant I highly appreciate the land of the free, Korea too crazy
Glad a dont live there,people have been brainwashed
The North Korean gulags are a captivating embodiment of authority, order and beauty ❤
What a prison. The kind of life a lot of far lefties would love us to have at home.
I’ve sed it before nd I’ll say it again “America 🇺🇸 isn’t perfect 🥹 but I’m so so grateful to live in this country.” Period! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
0ne of Trump's favorites
Traffic ladies. NO TRAFFIC😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The traffic ladies are there for show, they don't actually direct any traffic because so few people own cars. There are no busy intersections. I don't know what this video is talking about.
I feel sorry north korea people
Horrible. Free the people of North Korea💔💔
Hypocritical world.
Are those buildings occupied or just left to dilapidate
Dont use BTS in this documentary,they have nothing to do with North Korea,this is not okay to use them as an example
North Korea has humanity more than Zionists and US
Many visuals are not in NKorea and show persons who are not Asian.
A psychopathic regime no different to others just more upfront.
Well disciplined country
Mainit ngayo
I wear 1 pc bath suit😊
North korea aint socialist haha!
you sound like elite camara man
I'm sorry for north korea😢
North Korea is a prison
N-K is a one big business ran by the kim family
The time will be answering……..
Peoples saves by the Supreme Almighty…..
Pakar robot mengusahakan robot bergerak luwes seperti manusia. Ini manusia disetting bergerak seperti robot
Your narrative referring to North Korean officials retaining/arresting those participating in religious activisim yet your video shows US Immigration agents escorting someone away…????? what's that ?
I’m so blessed to be a American anything outside my country seems like a nightmare
Every town in Indiana gets to pick its own time zone. So when you drive from one town to the next you can go from Chicago time to New York time and not even realize it's changing. So North Korea is not the only pack of dumbasses to play with the time Zone for no reason.
😢😢poor people.
I am proud 0f my country coz we are free and independent he is a 👹
I have listen most of your videos I realised that mostly you are a lire
What’s going to happen when the north Kieran president dies who will take over