Volca Burn
15 Most RIDICULOUS Moments In Snooker History..
15 Most RIDICULOUS Moments In Snooker History.. From ridiculous snooker trickshots, to Ronnie O’Sullivan participating …
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I absolute love Virgo!
I believe the guy that farted followed through and potted the brown 🤢
3:07 oooouuu slow down pigeon, slow dowwnnnn….
I remember the match with cliff thorburn and alex higgins where cliff thorburn was called for a foul cos the ref didnt hear him nominate,alex said he didnt hear him nominate and cliff said to alex i did nominate and for the rest of the match you csnt use my cue extension,i also remember alain robidoux refusing to shake ronnies hand after ronnie beat him because he accused ronnie of disrespecting him for switching hands for some shots
Mark is very humble ❤
Judd TRUMPED!😂😅😂
5:06 Did you just call the rest a "rake"… bruh…
I love that someone did a massive fart in the Trump game. Also disappointed in lack of Willo
There should add a rule: if the player can not control their temper, after they damage or massive the balls on table, first time, stop to play for 1 year, second time 2 years, third time, forever stop to attend any snooker champion.
Plus the compensation to any damage of the public equipments.
6:21 “weetabix”?
I love Sheffield lol I go there a lot as I live in a rural area close to it and it is the nearest city. Generally most people are really down to earth and nice.. but they like their snooker and it made me laugh hearing people shout “you prick” “bloody bastard” and “wanker” at the just stop oil protestor. 😂
2.51 : not seen anything like that? Watch 3 cushion artistic billiards some day, ten times nicer things done and not with luck but on purpose.
These were so outrageous i nearly crashed my spaceship.
That ref who was laughing at Jimmy is genuinely am insufferable asshole. Gave Jimmy a warning because the ref's feelings were hurt. What a loser ref dude. Like genuinely, he should be fired.
I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you?
Jimmy white could lighten up a bit
I hate those title screens to grab attention, This does not represent the sport of snooker in any way shape or form.
JUST stop oil activists are JUST crazy
How many points is it for an orange ball after that protester came on
1)@Awaz E Haq Live Channel for Hinduism & Atheism
2)@Sam Stallone Channel for Hinduism & Christianity
3)@Qaiser Ahmed Raja Channel for Atheism, Agnosticism, Secularism & Liberalism
4)@Awakening Channel for Hinduism
Stand yourself away, come down. Not: stand yourself mummy, come down –'
1:08 In glad i wasnt there in person, id be worried what id do to that "protestor"
Ain’t no way they tried to make this shit ahh sport interesting 😂
So sad
#13 – he only played a frame, if that, in his socks – he got a pair of shoes that he could use
Someone should have brushed that losers teeth with a pool cue that was a sorros paid " protester". Who does this on their spare time?
This guy need to learn what the sound normalizing is. Or quit YouTube instead
7:56 Hendry: he wasn't giving it 110%
Ref: 111.
Superb fartage
4:44 saddest thing no one there to applauded that amazing shoot
Some good clips but did we not get any ridiculous moments in the golden era of Snooker in the 1980s? These appeared to all be fairly recent clips.