15 Minute CALVES Workout (no equipment)

YOGA Mats: https://bit.ly/3lLRDfy ———————————- Use Code: BULLY10 for 10% off: https://gymoclockfitness.com/ 8-16 …


32 thoughts on “15 Minute CALVES Workout (no equipment)

  1. Let’s goooo Mehn ready and here to get them calves burning 🔥💯💪🏿bless up all the time bullyjuice and the Fam 🙏🏿 and respect 🫡 I know I also said in a old comment last year I’m going to the military your videos helped me so much mehn I want to say thank you and I’m on my own doing my workout training and remembering from your old videos the workouts and mixing them in my own way. I’m ready and preparing myself to join the Air Force and I also want to say salute 🫡to you cause I remember you was in there when doing them videos 💯and I hope to meet you one day to get a workout session in 👊🏿

  2. Thanks for the workout my guy!!! You’ve been getting me right since 2020 covid era. No weights no gym given free sauce u the truth to spreading health wealth!!!


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