🔥30 Min STANDING ABS CARDIO for Ab Lines, Small Waist & Flat Belly🔥KNEE FRIENDLY🔥NO JUMPING🔥

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46 thoughts on “🔥30 Min STANDING ABS CARDIO for Ab Lines, Small Waist & Flat Belly🔥KNEE FRIENDLY🔥NO JUMPING🔥

  1. Thankyou burpee girl I started 111kg and now I'm 94kg it's more than a month since I started to follow all your work outs of course I did it with proper diet thankyou so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. I've been doing this specific workout and Daisy Keech's hourglass abs and 🍑 workout for about 15 days. I see amazing results within 2 weeks of time 😮 I had belly fat and i can see my shape is completely changing 😍🥵

  3. Похлопайте себе в конце тренировки ❤ 💪🏼 Вы молодцы 👏🏻! Спасибо за видео ❤

  4. Your exercise videos are the best I always feel good after I do your workouts! They have made a huge difference in my life and has made me a lot healthier so thank you for what you do!!! 😊

  5. J'aime vraiment beaucoup tes exercices, car ils sont variables. Et de plus il y a ton sourire et ton honnêteté que j'apprécie beaucoup 🥰🤩😘😆

  6. Love you!!!! I lost weight doing your workouts and dieting after my 2nd baby, now that I’ve just had my third baby I’m baaaaack! It’s a wierd comfort to be back here!! I love your workouts!😊

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