🚨Latitia James GETS SUED & REMOVED After She DID This To INNOCENT CHILDREN In NY That Supports TRUMP



36 thoughts on “🚨Latitia James GETS SUED & REMOVED After She DID This To INNOCENT CHILDREN In NY That Supports TRUMP

  1. Thank you Adogg ! ! Many Americans are so corrupted with the mass confusion of , evil and indoctrinating lies of deception Thank you for God's truth ,that brings clarity to all Americans😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 ,God bless …..

  2. Just wanted to wish the best and all of GOD'S blessings to you and your family. I love watching your videos. They are truth. It's so refreshing to have people like you spilling the TRUTH in this shitty situation we're in. Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you. Thank you for all the content you provide us. God bless you and your family and have a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!!!!

  3. She is Evil to the core. And should be in Prison for her abuse of the United States of Americas Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The is just another woke political motived piece of crap that is brought the trial to stop Donald J Trump from running for President. This is Politically motivated to crush Trump. Biden knows he didn't have a Snow Balls chance in Hell to win the election. And with all the election interference Biden is running scared. And if the Truth be know. With all the Ballot Stuffing in the last presidential election. I know in Arizona Trump won. I witnessed 8 people from Mexico vote in our election.

  4. This is for Latitia James. What is really your problem? I can tell you what your problem is. The problem is, you are so mad with people, that really didn't do anything to you. But I get it. You have never had the power, like you have now? And that's being an AG attorney. So now that you have that power? You are not using it for the good of Americans. You are using your AG powers to go after kids now? Come on now, how low can you go? Have you had enough of lying so much? But sometimes Latitia James, when you are being blessed with a degree to be able to deal with criminals? That's what you should be doing? Right? But you are too busy focusing on man. And that is on President Trump. So you deserve to get everything you deserve. And then some.

  5. AM i'm good , or AM i'm good……what have i said , James days are counted …"KARMA",,,, and i'm/we are enjoying every bite of it,, and it's not over with yet. ..you don't do wrong to others that you don't want to be done to you..hmmmm,, true words are spoken…"KARMA". is a Mother, it doesn't pay believe it or not……you never know when or how…. but??????….

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